Ten Brain Damaging Habits

1 - Not eating breakfast.

People who do not eat breakfast will lower blood sugar level to have. This leads to the lack of access to adequate food for the brain causing brain degeneration.

2 - excessive intake of food.

Overeating It causes hardening of the arteries of the brain, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3 - Smoking.

Smoking causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

4 - Too much sugar.

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and the brain may interfere with brain development.

5 - air pollution.

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, which reduces the efficiency of the brain.

6 - Insomnia (lack of sleep).

Sleep allows our brain to rest. Frequent sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

7 - Covering the head during sleep.

Sleep with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to negative effects on the brain.

8 - Working your brain during illness.

Working hard or studying with sickness may reduce the effectiveness of the brain as well as lead to negative impacts on it.

9 - Lacking in stimulating the brain to think.

Thinking is the best way to train the brain. Lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause shrinkage of brain cells.

10 - scarcity of talking to others.

Intellectual dialogue with others helps to promote the efficiency of the brain.

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Cherry calms the nerves and cleans the blood

Contain a single grain of it on four calories.

There are two types of cherry, lemon, which bears a higher temperature than the other type.

The sweet shows in late May and continues until early August and the season is longer than the first season.

According to those who know this fruit as it was inclined to color glossy black net was more sweetness.

There are hundreds of varieties of this sweet cherries and the most famous in North America, and comes endowed, and a large heart-shaped and colored dark red.

Selection and storage
Sweeter cherry most part inclined to black if the net and shiny.

And when it is immature to be endowed solid. And unrelenting immature cherry and prevail if left at room temperature and specific but it will not ripen if picked.

It is advisable to choose those knowledgeable Cherry Cherry, who is still stuck Bsikana green, where he lives longer.

The crash quickly, it is considered important not to wash it only before a brief period of submission.
Also advised to place it in a plastic bag open, and placed inside a paper napkin to absorb the moisture not to exceed a period of storage in the refrigerator for three days.
Cherry Properties
Cherry is rich in mineral salts such as potassium, which helps the body get rid of the sodium salts harmful sclerotic veins.  
It is a property of alkaline, which advised not to eat before meals because it makes her stop intractable acids in digestion.

According to this cherry arthritis patients as help them to resist infection if ingested in large quantities.

This protects the cherry of heart disease, high blood pressure.
It is noteworthy here that in every cup of cherry 325 milligrams of potassium and three grams of fiber.

And eating cherries helps to calm the nervous system and cleans the blood of toxins.

So it is very important to people with diseases of the digestive system, nervous, urinary and bone diseases.
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Benefits of laughter to humans

The most beautiful thing in laughter is that you do not need a reason to laugh, you have to start with it immediately raises the value of life and morale and makes you love everything around you, and give you a sense of comfort
And relaxation. It also reduces the pressure and violence, anger, and we can say that preventive treatment to prevent infection with many organic diseases and mental

Benefits of laughter are many and varied

1 _ laughter benefit the body and mind .

2 _ dazzle your eyes when you laugh and become more toxic .

3 _ bring happiness and peace psychological, gives you a renewal and increase your

ability to meditate and relax .

4 _ reduces the pressure and reduce high blood pressure and heart disease .

5 _ strengthens the immune system and natural means of defense in the body .

6 _ ease the pain by raising the level of secretion of Alindrovens .

7 _ Makes you think transparency and destroy your nature conservative .

8 _ raise the mental level of your performance and your ability to retain information for as

long as possible and strengthens the memory and renew energy .

9 _ balance the tension between chemistry and pressure .

10 _ reminds you always picture the most comprehensive and broader in your life and

think of any paint for your future .

11 _ makes you regret what has passed of your life and you are serious .

12 _ relate to others more deeply .

13 _ reduces snoring because it helps not to relax the throat muscles .

14 _ Finally, each of the tension is causing you distress .

Enjoy the moment experienced by Laughter is the battery that sharpen our minds and our bodies and our feelings. Laugh ..... Laughter is medicine for the disease pressure medicine, anti-pessimism and despair ....

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Benefits of honey

1 - heals skin diseases:

 Honey is used in the restoration of wounds, burns and other types of contra-indications and resistance to diseases.

2 - provides protection against colon cancer:

Honey is able to enhance levels of antioxidants are able to resist diseases.

3 - resistant infections:

Contains most types of honey on the different degrees of hydrogen peroxide material, which is famous as containing anti-bacterial properties.

4 - to relieve insect stings:

Help to get rid of the itching caused by the bites of insects through the development of honey directly on the sting site. The honey is the role of a drag-and helps to get rid of the toxins that Frgtha insects in the wounds.

5 - provides protection for the teeth:

Rub honey directly on the gums after brushing reduces the effects of acid levels in the mouth, which in turn prevents the bacteria in the mouth of the production of dextran, a substance that causes tooth decay.

6 - alleviate the problem of arthritis:

When mixes honey apple vinegar works the mix to ease the pressure on the joints.

7 - the treatment of sore throat:

Recipe for an old but still new in their therapeutic effect on the pharynx, and can be very effective for honey drinking it with lemon juice, which is a great remedy for a cough as well.

8 - gives the body a great power:

Honey contains natural sugar provides energy good for the body.

9 - Protection of hay fever:

Ancient treatment used over the previous centuries to help alleviate the impact of hay fever. It is advisable to eat a few months before the start of the hay fever season until the body can build resistance.

10 - double the power:

Honey is effective as an excellent drink to enhance energy, particularly to improve the performance of athletes.

11 - ease eye disorder:

12 - a cure for insomnia:

13 - helps to digest:

Enzymes in the honey helps to digest food and can help to treat problems such as diarrhea and stomach ulcers. The ancient Romans used honey rain rule of the stomach.

14 - outlines your hair and your skin:

Use honey also on your body from abroad to maintain the luster of your skin and hair. And make a mask a little bit of honey to treat your sensitive skin by heating a dish of honey in hot water and then painted on each face it, but should be the temperature leveled off and you can leave the honey on your face for 15 minutes and then wash your face thoroughly until clean the pores completely.

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Benefits of ice of the epidermis

It is known that steam baths open pores of the facial skin and melt fat under the skin surface which helps to cure acne and pimples and also address the crust resulting from the drought-face ..

The snow also has a role in an effective and quick service for beauty, it helps to lift sagging skin and drives the circulatory system and gain face freshness and vitality ..

Here's how:

Hold a small piece of ice .. and put them in a piece of cloth so as not to touch the skin directly passed on your face in circular motions, such as those used to engage a quick time to do massage on your face ..

You may feel goose bumps for the first time, but you Statadin it later and you become a pretty fun ..

Also passed a piece of ice under your eyes until you address the redness of the eyes and black under the eyes .. Having designed a piece of ice will rise immediately to the blood of your face and cheeks, and carry more color pink and feel refreshing ..
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Benefits of tension

                     Is it possible that the tension is positive?

Yes, when under certain pressures and deal with it in an appropriate manner. Here's 6 benefits to the tension:

1_Increasing the flow of adrenaline from the brain.
2_While under pressure gives you the adrenal gland of the adrenaline boost and secrete the stress hormone (cortisol), which activates your body.
3_At the same time expanding the lungs and accelerated heart rate and increases oxygen payments that will help you to be vigilant, and to think faster and more clearly.
4_Strengthens your immune system.
5_Fear is good for you physically and this is the reason behind the practice of people to jump from planes (Swimming in the sky) and race cars, and ride the train of death in the clubs, what a great challenge makes your body produce white blood cells in anti-disease known as 'killer instinct' and active balls nodes that help in protection against tumors and attack other cells infected with inflammation.
6_May give you new friends.

Women secrete a hormone in the tense circumstances soothing called Ooksionin encourages the search for the company of women intellectually close-knit, and everyone feels better after that, after Enevsn their anger to a friend appreciates the feelings.

Motivate you to work better.

According to a study conducted by the British mental institution, half of people are working best under pressure, and this is another example that the physical reaction of the body says 'killer or dead' adds the heart rate and increase energy level and more difficult tasks look easy.
In contrast, the burden may lead to the deterioration of your mind while the body is not responding as it should in order to provide the necessary amino acids it needs to remain active in important matters.

Stimulates the thyroid
Period of emotional stress will activate the thyroid gland and increase the body's ability to burn and metabolism and gives you a boost of energy.
While the days fraught with pressures will not lead to weight loss, Hamid, the tension will help to keep stimulating the metabolism and stave off weight gain.

Helps you and prolong your life.

Studies have shown that those who are bored a way of life have higher rates of early heart attack, the body secretes proteins under pressure to face any dangers that may threaten the body to repair damaged cells, and enable the body to work at full capacity.
Minimum levels of work in progress of human life, but the best way to keep energy levels high that the human remains busy work and meet the challenges and enjoy a few levels of berries.

                 two ways to harm their tension.

If the cause of tension out of your will:

Long-term problems such as disease or death of a dear memory impairment or patients have the opposite effect of what caused the short-term payments tension, chronic tension may leave you prone to depression and more susceptible to infection.

While not give yourself a chance to rest:

Becomes chronic tension while not being solved, or can not solve the problems that caused. Then spent pernicious effect of stress on the beneficial effects, and in the long run may lead to high rates of stress hormone (cortisol) to the weakness and fatigue, but any disease arising from protein deficiency.
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Benefits of water

Benefits of water

Drinking water rules and benefits
Of the most important secrets of the freshness of the skin: Drinking water in sufficient quantities. What is the importance of water to the vitality and freshness of the body? What is the amount sufficient to keep the vitality. Is maximizing or minimizing the risks of drinking water?
The important question remains: What is the right time to drink water?
What are the medical warnings drinking habits wrong?

The importance of drinking water

* Gives the body adequate moisture,which is poured into the skin and preserves the flexibility of your eyes sparkle.
* Renews the vitality of all body cells.
* Regulates the temperature of the body.
* Working to rid the blood of toxins and sediment.
* Stimulate the digestive system and the process output.
* Reduce the body fluids.
* Working to dampen the joints and elasticity of movement and protected from bruising.
* Compensate for the lost body fluids that come out in the urine, sweat, faeces and exhaled moisture.
* Active and kidney function.

Sufficient quantity of drinking water:

* The body needs the normal to 2-3 liters per day rate of 8 cups of 160 ml.
* As we get older our skin becomes more Ogshetna paper and lose more water and less efficient macro adds the need to water.
* Increase the quantity in the case of pregnancy and lactation, and hot weather, and when you practice a violent sport.

Drinking too much water leads to:

* Swelling of the abdomen. Feeling of weight. Frequent gas.
* Extend the lead to blood serum, and the distance between the tissue and solar modules and makes them slow down to do its work.
In rare cases, lead to poisoning of the water.

Reduction of drinking water leads to:

* Dehydration, fatigue and lack of activity.Loss of the ability to control body temperature.
Loss of balance.
* Constipation.
. Kidney stones.
* Oblivion.
* Dry eyes and mouth and skin.

So proud is the middle one, not more frequent or reduced.

When we drink water?

* Begin the day after a vacuum for the length of the night by drinking a cup of water; call to wash the stomach and intestines and kidneys rid of impurities and sediment, sand, and alerts the liver to count the yellow, and the preparation of the stomach to digest the breakfast.
* Drink cold water (moderate temperature), before eating an hour - two hours after meals;
so as not to offend the work of the digestive juices and reduces the efficiency of its work.
Do not exceed one cup of cold water with the food, drink and at intervals so as not to impede the process of digestion.
* Drink a glass of cold water with dry food, such as bread and meat to facilitate the process of digestion.
* Drink cold water after a little walking or sports, but after taking some rest and calm, and included.
* Drink water in case we dealt with diuretics, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks.
* When adopting a diet of thinness.
* Breast milk for the generation and fluid in the body of the mother.
* When you feel the heat in the atmosphere.
* Pregnant women.
* Before going to sleep.

To try to make the water is usually:

* Cup when you wake up.
* A glass with every meal.
* Cope After an hour or two of each meal.
* Cup before bedtime.Total = 8 cups a day.


1. Usually drink ice water at the time the feeling of hot lead to inflammation of the lining of the stomach, especially for the weak and sore throat.
2. Older people do not feel thirsty despite the need for the body of water; must therefore make the drinking water is usually small as a reminder of old age.
3. Drink ice water during meals affect the process of digestion and hinder and delay the secretions of the stomach to digest.
4. Drinking too much water during meals delay the process of digestion and leads to a sense of weight and excessive gas.
5. The large number of drinking water in case of obesity slows the digestion process leads to a shift of food to the layers of fat instead of burning activity and to provide energy for the body..
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Tenth preliminary guidance for weight loss

                    Tenth preliminary guidance for weight loss

1 _ Avoid following any diet of popular diets
2 _
control eating3 _ eat regularly and slowly
4 _
eating more vegetables and fruits5 _ focus on dietary fiber
6 _
reduce sugar7 _ attention to cooking method
8 _
do not remove all fat from your diet9 _ exercise regularly
10 _ adoption of a method of gradual change

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Maintain the teeth

                                     Maintain the teeth

Exposed teeth daily, especially after meals to the danger of a rise of decay-causing bacteria to do its job, so we must follow these following tips to avoid the danger of these bacteria

* ensure the cleanliness of the mouth and teeth through the use of toothpaste on a regular basis, especially before going to sleep where the activity of bacteria that cause tooth decay occurs frequently at night because the saliva secretion rate in this period suffered from the decrease
* ensure the quality of the food Almtskhaddmp by reducing the intake of foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars, which in turn is one of the main components of the mite, especially when you provide the proper environment for the growth of bacteria, mites
And writing to the equation that describes the licorice
* stay away from carbonated drinks, which in turn cause the occurrence of the so-called EROSION, which result from direct contact between the tooth surface and acid components of the drink gas and thus less Guo building age and cause deformities happen panoramic dental
* eat vegetables and fruit, especially apples, which helps protect against natural fibers to the teeth
* Mark the last thing eat after your meal and the food is cheese, it contains calcium
* children were allowed to eat dessert after eating a meal and not directly after a long time do not occur until a bug in the system of equilibrium inside the mouth
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Vitamin A

(Deficiency) :

Itchy eyes, blurred vision, or a means of mucous in the eye, the roughness of the skin, dry skin and in hair, nails break in
Eye disease

(Benefits) :

Maintaining the health of the lining of body cavities such as the nose, throat, mouth, trachea, bladder, stomach

(There) :

Islands - lettuce - berries - Spinach - butter - eggs - fish - cod liver oil - Wheat - Honey

Vitamin B

(Deficiency) :
Fatigue, depression, irritability, nervousness, excessive blisters in the skin, hair bleaching or falling, decreased appetite,

(Benefits) :
Essential for healthy skin, hair and eyes and mouth and liver, is necessary to perform the functions of the nervous system

(There) :
Liver - brewer's yeast - wheat seed - whole grains

Vitamin C

(Deficiency) :

Break the tissue that connects all the cells of the body with each other, bleeding nose - twice the blood vessels - the emergence of bruising, bleeding gums easily on the skin - may occur with anemia, pain in joints
(Benefits) :

Cold resist disease - helps to absorb iron - anti-poisoning - help in the movement of heavy metals such as copper, lead, mercury and thus can get rid of it - helps to resist the risk of Nitrate, which is used frequently as a preservative for foods - regulates cholesterol
(There) :
Orange - Lemon - Black raisins - wild roses - green peppers - tomatoes - beans - peas, dry

Vitamin D

(Deficiency) :
Osteomalacia in adults - Sliding bones in the elderly -
(Benefits) :
The main task of this vitamin is the formation of bone especially for pregnant women and children - is needed to form teeth - assisting in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus - the protection of muscle weakness and help from the convexity, insomnia
(There) :
Eggs - butter - cod liver oil - milk powder - sun in the early morning

Vitamin E

(Deficiency) :
(Benefits) :
Works as an antioxidant - improve circulation - the protection of lung from any pollution - helps the purity of the skin
Seeds of wheat - a natural vegetable oil - walnut - lettuce - tomatoes - carrots - egg yolk - Meat

Vitamin B1

(Deficiency) :
Fatigue, depression, Alasbipamrad skin, bleaching Alharaw fall, loss of appetite

(Benefits) :
This is known as B vitamin thiamine It helps the digestive system and control the secretion of gastric hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for digestion(There) :
Liver - brewer's yeast - wheat - whole grains

Vitamin B2
(Deficiency) :
Shiver - dizziness - muscle weakness - red eye - cause of eczema is known as vitamin B Alraipovlavi
(There) :
Yeast - milk - liver - green leafy vegetables - Bran - Wheat - Apricot - Tomato

Vitamin B6
(Deficiency) :
May cause the nervousness, insomnia, loss of muscle control,
Alonemiae, fatigue in the mouth, water retention in the body

Maintains the nervous system - to prevent hair loss - reduces spasms of nerve - to stop nausea -Works on the balance of salts in the body - helps in the formation of antibodies to HIV patients - is essential for building and collapse of the amino acids
Bran - Wheat - liver - brewer's yeast - Meat - Milk - Bazalia - almonds -

Lentils - Beans

Vitamin  B12

Anemiae, lack of appetite in eating, fatigue, brain damage, slow growth in children, depression, nervousness, weight loss
Helps in the formation and the revival of red blood cells, prevents Alanemiae, maintains nervous system, resist depression
Meat - the liver - kidneys

Vitamin P
(Benefits) :
Plays an important role in maintaining the strength and health of blood vessels helps the body to eliminate inflammation, increases the effectiveness of vitamin C
(There) :
Citrus - orange peels - buckwheat - Black raisins - Briar

Vitamin K
(Deficiency) :
Lead to a stroke or blood clotting, bleeding
(Benefits) :
Prevents blood clotting
(There) :
Spinach - soybean - tomatoes - honey - Bran - egg yolk - wheat

Folic acid
(Deficiency) :
Can cause disturbance or forgetfulness, and mental dullness, influenced by the nervous system and digestive system, as well as influenced by growth right
(Benefits) :
Used in the treatment of anemia, it prevents neural tube defects and brain damage in fetuses, a utility in the treatment of stomach ulcers, it is recommended before and during pregnancy
(There) :
Green leafy vegetables, liver, kidneys, yeast

Pantothenic acid
(Deficiency) :
Disease, arthritis, muscle weakness
(Benefits) :
Vitamin pressure because it is a resistance against stress, based on this gland Alardnalin be a bit sour when you feel weak muscles, the production of energy from fat and starch and protein, cures arthritis
Brewer's yeast - liver seed wheat - peas - soybeans - Pistachio - meat - fish - Grain
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Benefits of sport body

Sports benefits of the body play a key role in the diet
And lose weight and maintain health and reduce injury
Chronic diseases
And also mitigate the effects of some incurable diseases and lasting in the body
Rights and benefits of sport
1. Reduce the incidence of diabetes
2. Better control blood sugar by
3. Reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease and cholesterol
4. Maintain weight
5. Reduce the incidence of cold
6. Better memory 7. Better sleep
8. Maintenance of joints and diseases
9. Increased self-confidence 10. Better control of tension and
pressure factor

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Benefits of banana

Bananas contain three natural sugars - sucrose,
fructose and glucose combined with fiber, a banana
gives sustained and substantial boost of energy and
immediate. Research has proven that just two bananas
provide enough energy for a strenuous 90 minutes. No
wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the
world's leading athletes. But energy is not the only way
a banana, help us keep fit and health. It helps us to
overcome the large number of diseases, so it must
always be added.
According to a new study, people suffering from
depression, many felt much better after eating
bananas, because bananas contain tryptophan, a type
of protein that the body converts into serotonin, which
gives the body rest and relax, improve your mood and
generally make you feel happier.
                                PMS Forget the pills, eat a banana before and during the
menstrual cycle, as it works to regulate glucose levels
in the blood, which can affect your mood vitamin B6
and calms the pain.
Bananas contain high levels of iron, bananas can
stimulate the production of hemoglobin in the blood and
so helps in cases of anemia.
                      Blood pressure
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium
yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure.
                          Brain Power
In a study of 200 students, by eating bananas at
breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain
power. Research has shown that the potassium-
packed fruit, the brain can stimulate the ability of the
students to learn more.
Bananas contain a high level of fiber, including
bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel
action, helping to overcome the problem without
resorting to laxatives.
                         Gastric acidity
Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, and
try eating a banana to get rid of acidity.
                     Morning Sickness
Good news for pregnant women, no nausea in the
morning with bananas to calm the stomach, and
dissemination of pleasure in the body, and feeds the
                     Mosquito bites
Before reaching the creams and ointments, there is an
easier and better, rub mosquito bites Paljldp within
white banana at reducing swelling and irritation.
Bananas are rich in B vitamins that help calm the
nervous system
           Overweight and at work
And Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria
found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort
food like chocolate and potato chips. Where they found
that the cause of obesity more than 5,000 were most
likely due to pressure of work. To avoid food cravings,
we need to control blood sugar levels by eating snacks
high in carbohydrates, vitamins, nutrients, every two
hours, was the fruit most suitable for the prevention of
The banana is used to treat intestinal disorders
because of the soft texture and smoothness. It is the
only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in
over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity
and reduces inflammation of the lining of the stomach.
            Temperature control
Many other cultures see bananas that can
Reduce the temperature of the physical and emotional
needs of expectant mothers. In Thailand, pregnant
women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a
cool temperature.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Bananas can help relieve the symptoms of seasonal
affective disorder because of the availability of material
Alterbutovan tags.
Bananas can also help people trying to quit smoking.
Because it contains vitamins B6, web 12, as well as
potassium, magnesium, helps the body recover from
the effects of nicotine withdrawal.
                            Stress Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the
heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates
your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our
metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium
levels. And can be re-balance the body-potassium
banana snack.
                           Strokes According to research in "The New England Journal of
Medicine," eating bananas as part of a regular diet can
cut the risk of death by strokes by 40%.

Thus, an apple, and when compared with the apple, it
contains 4 times more protein, twice the carbohydrate,
and 3 times the phosphorus, five times more vitamin A
and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals, as
it is rich in potassium. So it may be time to replace the
proverb: An apple a day that we say about the doctor,
"A banana a day and the health of the dome.
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