Benefits of water
Drinking water rules and benefits
Of the most important secrets of the freshness of the skin: Drinking water in sufficient quantities. What is the importance of water to the vitality and freshness of the body? What is the amount sufficient to keep the vitality. Is maximizing or minimizing the risks of drinking water?
The important question remains: What is the right time to drink water?
What are the medical warnings drinking habits wrong?
The importance of drinking water
* Gives the body adequate moisture,which is poured into the skin and preserves the flexibility of your eyes sparkle.
* Renews the vitality of all body cells.
* Regulates the temperature of the body.
* Working to rid the blood of toxins and sediment.
* Stimulate the digestive system and the process output.
* Reduce the body fluids.
* Working to dampen the joints and elasticity of movement and protected from bruising.
* Compensate for the lost body fluids that come out in the urine, sweat, faeces and exhaled moisture.
* Active and kidney function.
Sufficient quantity of drinking water:
* The body needs the normal to 2-3 liters per day rate of 8 cups of 160 ml.
* As we get older our skin becomes more Ogshetna paper and lose more water and less efficient macro adds the need to water.
* Increase the quantity in the case of pregnancy and lactation, and hot weather, and when you practice a violent sport.
Drinking too much water leads to:
* Swelling of the abdomen. Feeling of weight. Frequent gas.
* Extend the lead to blood serum, and the distance between the tissue and solar modules and makes them slow down to do its work.
• In rare cases, lead to poisoning of the water.
Loss of balance.
* Constipation.
. Kidney stones.
* Oblivion.
* Dry eyes and mouth and skin.
So proud is the middle one, not more frequent or reduced.
When we drink water?
* Begin the day after a vacuum for the length of the night by drinking a cup of water; call to wash the stomach and intestines and kidneys rid of impurities and sediment, sand, and alerts the liver to count the yellow, and the preparation of the stomach to digest the breakfast.
* Drink cold water (moderate temperature), before eating an hour - two hours after meals;
so as not to offend the work of the digestive juices and reduces the efficiency of its work.
Do not exceed one cup of cold water with the food, drink and at intervals so as not to impede the process of digestion.
* Drink a glass of cold water with dry food, such as bread and meat to facilitate the process of digestion.
* Drink cold water after a little walking or sports, but after taking some rest and calm, and included.
* Drink water in case we dealt with diuretics, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks.
* When adopting a diet of thinness.
* Breast milk for the generation and fluid in the body of the mother.
* When you feel the heat in the atmosphere.
* Pregnant women.
* Before going to sleep.
To try to make the water is usually:
* Cup when you wake up.
* A glass with every meal.
* Cope After an hour or two of each meal.
* Cup before bedtime.Total = 8 cups a day.
1. Usually drink ice water at the time the feeling of hot lead to inflammation of the lining of the stomach, especially for the weak and sore throat.
2. Older people do not feel thirsty despite the need for the body of water; must therefore make the drinking water is usually small as a reminder of old age.
3. Drink ice water during meals affect the process of digestion and hinder and delay the secretions of the stomach to digest.
4. Drinking too much water during meals delay the process of digestion and leads to a sense of weight and excessive gas.
5. The large number of drinking water in case of obesity slows the digestion process leads to a shift of food to the layers of fat instead of burning activity and to provide energy for the body..
2. Older people do not feel thirsty despite the need for the body of water; must therefore make the drinking water is usually small as a reminder of old age.
3. Drink ice water during meals affect the process of digestion and hinder and delay the secretions of the stomach to digest.
4. Drinking too much water during meals delay the process of digestion and leads to a sense of weight and excessive gas.
5. The large number of drinking water in case of obesity slows the digestion process leads to a shift of food to the layers of fat instead of burning activity and to provide energy for the body..