The importance of acid (lemon) in our daily lives

Lemon the best treatment

Acid known since ancient healing advantages of several diseases. It purifies the blood
And beneficial to the cycle of blood and blood vessels, a treatment for Massain Balisagrbot
Disease, a symptom of swollen gums and bleeding of them,
It also is effective in cases of cold, as it goes vitamins b and c and calcium
Copper, iron and magnesium. Lemon is one of the most effective disinfectant of all citrus
. Since lemon juice is very useful
In cases of arthritis and helps with the mobility.
It is also useful for the treatment of menstrual pain and menopause and get rid of insomnia.
Raises the acid secretions of the liver and stomach.
It is also beneficial to the skin, hair, skeletal and digestive system, nervous system and reproductive tract.
It also helps the body absorb calcium and protein.
To get rid of several diseases you drink juice, citric acid per day
Starting with the juice of a lemon and one day I
Then add half a lemon tart every day to become the number ten.
This process is nineteen days.
And therefore reduces the amount at a rate of half a lemon tart every day,
This process is for nineteen days also.
It is also necessary to use acid Nadh for processing.
The best way to treat acid lemon is to follow what we have
And not drinking a very large amount in one day.
Using lemon is also as follows:
Add to the fish, meat and chicken to take advantage of its benefits.
Added to some foods that changes color after cutting, such as avocado.
In addition to the authorities instead of vinegar.
Used in making desserts such as Albay, razor, Almirang.
Is also used in the manufacture of jams and leap to his riches Babaktin.
The lemon juice is good for young and old

2 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice information

Anonymous said...

nice information